Thursday 8 June 2017


There is no other reason why Satan mount obstacle on our way if not to hinder us from achieving our dreams, if not because you and your dreams are threat to his kingdom.
Satan is aware of the potential and greatness in you, he recognise the opportunities ahead of you, a wonderful and colourful future built up inside of you, Hence he do everything possible to discourage and stop you least you stop and destroy his works.
As long as you have a wonderful and a glorious destiny, something that can make you great, benefit humanity, help others out of the shackles of the devil and bring glory to GOD, you will forever remain a threat to him and will stop at nothing but to stop you. when you are face with trials and challenges, count it all joy cause you are a special gift to HUMANITY, devil never and will never attack a nonentity but a destiny carrier, the glorious the future the tougher the battle of today. Never loose hope remain focus and keep your head up  high, always believe in your dreams, more in yourself and totally depend on God. You are more than a conqueror through Christ our Lord. the whole world await your manifestation; You are a star and must surely SHINE🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

Keep shining the light of the glorious gospel of Christ

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